[ 温故知新TOP ]
[温故知新]、、 武士道(新渡戸稲造)茶の本(岡倉天心)代表的日本人(内村鑑三)学問のすすめ(福沢諭吉)自助論(Smiles)慶応義塾大学 [デジタルで読む福澤諭吉]學問ノスヽメ. 初編~十七編 [ピューア] )( 福翁自傳 [ビューア]

『学問のすすめ 』(An Encouragement of Learning)
福沢諭吉(Fukuzawa Yukichi)
初編 (端書はしがき

"The heaven does not create one man above or under another man"
"A man cannot have wisdom without learning. A man without wisdom is foolish."
初編(端書はしがき)、 二編(端書・人は同等なること)、 三編(国は同等なること・一身独立して一国独立すること)、 四編(学者の職分を論ず・付録)、 五編(明治七年一月一日の詞)、 六編(国法の貴きを論ず)、 七編(国民の職分を論ず)、 八編(わが心をもって他人の身を制すべからず)、 九編(学問の旨を二様に記して中津の旧友に贈る文)、 十編(前編のつづき、中津の旧友に贈る)、 十一編(名分をもって偽君子を生ずるの論)、 十二編(演説の法を勧むるの説・人の品行は高尚ならざるべからざるの論)、 十三編(怨望の人間に害あるを論ず)、 十四編(心事の棚卸し)、 十五編(事物を疑いて取捨を断ずること)、 十六編(手近く独立を守ること・心事と働きと相当すべきの論)、 十七編(人望論) 、、[朗読MP3] 
TOP 初編 二編 三編 四編 五編 六編 七編 八編 九編
十編 十一編 十二編 十三編 十四編 十五編 十六編 十七編 [手紙]

 初編  (初編/朗読)  [朗読]  (English) (EnglishA) (現代語訳) (初版本・影印)  學問ノスヽメ. 初編 [ピューア] 、 ・《青空文庫全 AI朗読全》
「天は人の上に人を造らず人の下に人を造らず」 と言えり。されば天より人を生ずるには、万人は万人みな同じ位にして、生まれながら貴賤きせん上下の差別なく、万物の霊たる身と心との働きをもって天地の間にあるよろずの物をり、もって衣食住の用を達し、自由自在、互いに人の妨げをなさずしておのおの安楽にこの世を渡らしめ給うの趣意なり。されども今、広くこの人間世界を見渡すに、かしこき人あり、おろかなる人あり、貧しきもあり、富めるもあり、貴人もあり、下人もありて、その有様雲とどろとの相違あるに似たるはなんぞや。その次第はなはだ明らかなり。『実語教じつごきょう』に、 「人学ばざれば智なし、智なき者は愚人なり」 とあり。されば賢人と愚人との別は学ぶと学ばざるとによりてできるものなり。また世の中にむずかしき仕事もあり、やすき仕事もあり。そのむずかしき仕事をする者を身分重き人と名づけ、やすき仕事をする者を身分軽き人という。すべて心を用い、心配する仕事はむずかしくして、手足を用うる力役りきえきはやすし。ゆえに医者、学者、政府の役人、または大なる商売をする町人、あまたの奉公人を召し使う大百姓などは、身分重くして貴き者と言うべし。



[Sample Translation]
Encouragement for Learning (学問ノススメ)
Fukuzawa Yukichi
*Fukuzawa Yukichi (1835-1901) was a Japanese educator, author and journalist, who founded the Keio Gijuku University. He was an introducer of the Western thoughts, political and economic systems, and was a most influential enlightenment thinker in Meiji Japan. His Encouragement for Learning was one of the best selling book of that time.

Encouragement for Learning

Fukuzawa Yukichi

Part One

The Heaven is said to create no man on the top of a man or under. It means, since they are created by the Heaven, all people, equal and born equal with no difference in their social standing, are able to work with soul and body to enjoy everything in the world for their use, controlling the lives of their own without hindering others, so that they can make a comfortable living in this world. However, looking over this world of human beings, some are wise and others are dull; some are poor and others are wealthy; some are noble and others are menial. How is it that they are such differences as heaven and earth? It is quite obvious. According to Jitsugokyo (“Lessons of Reality Words”), a fool is a man with no intellect, and a man without learning cannot have intellect. Accordingly, the difference between the wise and the unwise is nothing but the difference between the learned and the unlearned. In this world, some jobs are difficult to do and others are easier. Those doing such difficult jobs are in an important position in society. Those doing easy jobs are in a lighter position. In general, your brain and mind is used for difficult jobs while physical labors are easier. Therefore, you can say that doctors, scholars, government officials, merchants doing big business or farmers employing lots of workers are in an important, respectable position. As a natural result of such positions, they are so rich and wealthy that people in a low standing may consider it should be impossible for them to reach there. However, the basis of the difference between them is nothing but whether they enjoy the power of learning or not. The difference is not an unavoidable fate. There is a saying that the Heaven does give wealth not to people but to their work. As I discussed before, therefore, people are born with no difference in their social standing and wealth. People become noble and wealthy if they study and learn things well. They become poor and menial if they do not learn.

By the word “learning” I do not mean merely unpractical literature such as knowledge of difficult Chinese characters, reading of classics that are hard to understand, or creation of Japanese or Chinese poems. Such literature is useful in a way, since it gives pleasure to people’s mind, but you do not need to respect it too much like the Confucians and the Japanese classic scholars insisting on it. From time immemorial, most of the Confucians are poor at household management. If a merchant is an excellent poet, he may not be a great businessman. Therefore, thoughtful merchants or farmers may well worry about the future of their sons who are studying so hard, since they consider such learning may be destructive for their business. Evidently, such study is far from the reality and does not meet the needs of daily life. For this reason, you should put off such unrealistic studies. What we should work on first is the realistic studies that are close to the ordinary daily needs of people. You need first to learn, for example, the forty-seven letters of the Japanese alphabet, wordings and expressions for letters, how to keep accounts or books, skills for using an abacus and a steelyard, and then there still is very much to learn. Geography guides you through a variety of natural features of the world, not to mention within Japan. Physics or natural philosophy is the science to see through the nature of all physical things to find out their functions. History is documentations that are detailed chronicles to be searched for the past and present conditions of various countries. Economics is explanations of finance of the entire society on the basis of finance of a person or a family. Ethics is clarifications of natural reasons on which one should discipline oneself, associate with others and walk through the world. To learn basics of such studies, you just need to study the books translated from the Western languages, which means the Japanese language is good enough for such learning. The young and talented should have a chance to read in Western languages, but should base each of his study on the reality, following the real things, and seeking for reasons in matters close to himself in order to meet the needs of today. It is the practical science for all human beings that I have discussed above. This is the common knowledge that all people, noble or menial, should learn. Learning such knowledge, people could be able to do their best to operate their own functions or businesses as samurai, farmers, craftsmen or merchants so that they, as individuals, will be independent and that their families will be independent. And so will the whole nation.

For learning, it is essential to know your standing in society. Human beings in the natural state are unbound, as men or as women, without any ties that restrict their liberty. In many cases, however, those who insist on liberty will be just selfish if they take no notice to the standing of their own. By the word “standing,” I mean the reasonable, humane way to attain or reach one’s freedom without hindering others. The difference between the liberty and the selfishness consists in whether it hinders others or not. You are not right if you think you are free to dissipate your own money extravagantly for any kind of pleasures. For your dissipation may be followed or modeled by others, and it may corrupt good morals of society, resulting in hindrance of education. Such conduct is therefore an unforgivable sin, even when you just waste the fortune of your own. In addition, freedom and independence is not only a personal matter, but also an issue of the nation. Japan is an island country, at the east end of Asia, where in the past the people were just content with the domestic products without communicating with foreign nations. When Americans visited us in 1850’s, however, our nation started the foreign trade as we do today. Even after the opening of the ports, there were lots of arguments. Some loudly asserted the seclusionist or exclusionist policy, but their views were so narrow as those of a frog in the well. Their opinions were unworthy to discuss. The Japanese and the Western nations are peoples on the same planet, sharing the sunshine, the moonlights, the oceans and the atmosphere, living with the same human sentiments. If we have something in excess, we can hand it over to them. If they have something more than enough, we may ask them for it. With no arrogance or obsequiousness, the international community must teach each other, learn each other and benefit each other, wishing for each other’s happiness. International relations must be based on the universal reasons and the humanity. You must behave reverentially toward African blacks if it is reasonable. If you find the British or the Americans conducting against the humanity, you must not be frightened of their warship. Should there be a disgrace to our nation, all the Japanese throughout the country would be ready to risk their life to keep our national dignity. That should be the way the nation is free and independent. […]

by English Translation


Encouragement for Learning (学問ノススメ)

They say, "Heaven did not create a man above or below another man." It means that Heaven created all human beings equal and there was no difference among people. As the lords of creation, they could use all things in the world by exercising their own body and brain for their clothing, food and housing. Freely, unless they bother others, they could live comfortably. That's what Heaven created.

But now, observing human societies, there are the wise and the foolish, the poor and the rich, the noble and the plebeian. What does make these differences?

It's obvious. The book named Jitsugo-kyou says, "A man cannot have wisdom without learning. A man without wisdom is foolish." In other words, the difference between the wise and the foolish depends on how they learned. And there are difficult work and easy work. People consider a person who does difficult work as the upper class and a person who does easy work as the lower class. The work using brain is difficult and the work using body is easy. So you can say that doctors, scholars, governmental officers, merchants who do big business and farmers who hire many peasants are the upper class.

If you are the upper class, you can be rich spontaneously. And from the lower class people's view, you seem far beyond their reach. But there is nothing but learned wisdom in the difference between your and their ability. Heaven did not set up the difference. As a proverb says, "Heaven does not give fortune to a man, but to a man's workings." And as I have already said, there is no natural difference among people. A person who learned well and has wisdom can be the upper class and rich, and a person who did not learn and has no wisdom become the lower class and poor.

Learning does not mean practically useless studies, such as only to learn difficult kanji characters, to read difficult old books, to enjoy waka poems or to compose poetry. These studies are entertaining and sometimes useful. But they are not so valuable as Confucians and Kokugaku scholars say.

There are few scholars of the Chinese classics who are good at livelihood and townspeople who are good at both waka poetry and business from old times. So thoughtful townspeople and farmers are worried about their children, that they may lose their property by learning too hard. We cannot blame them. This is a good evidence that those studies are practically useless in daily life.

So you have to learn practical sciences that are useful in daily life now and leave useless studies until later. For example, you have to learn 47 hiragana characters at first. Then letter writing, accounting, calculation and how to use a balance. You have a lot of things to learn.

Geography is a science to guide not only Japan but also natural features of all countries in the world. Physics is a science to study all phenomena in the world and to know those workings. History is a science, as it were more detailed Chronology, to study the world's transition from past to present. Economics is a science to explain from a person's and a family's budget to the money flow around the world. Moral science is a science to learn how to behave, how to associate with others and how to conduct yourself in society.

When you learn these sciences, you have to consult translations of original western books, use easy words instead of difficult kanji characters, make talented young people read original western books, value facts in each science, follow objective facts, pursue reasons of your near affairs and accomplish your purpose in need now.

These are practical sciences and common knowledge that all people should learn regardless of one's status. After you learn them and fulfill your obligations according to your each status, a person, a family and a nation can be independent.

It is important to know obligations when you learn. When you were born, you were not restricted by anyone. As a man or a woman, everyone is free. But if you don't know that you also have obligations, you will become selfish. The obligations are, that you have to be based on Heaven's reason, follow humanity, and obtain your freedom without bothering others. The border between freedom and selfishness is whether you bother others or not. Perhaps you think it is your freedom to indulge in debauchery and waste your own money. But it is wrong. If you did such a thing, others would imitate you, then they would corrupt public morals and obstruct the civilization of the people. So you don't have the right to do such a thing even if you have money.

Freedom and Independence are not only for individuals but also for nations. Japan is an island country of east Asia, and had been isolated and self-sufficient from old times. But in the Kaei period (1848-1854), Americans came to Japan and began trade with us. Even after the opening of the country, many people were advocating isolationism and exclusionism. But they were just narrow-minded, as the proverb says “The frog in the well doesn't know the ocean.” We don't have to listen to such people.

Japan and Western countries are between the same Heaven and Earth, bask in the same sun, look up the same moon, and share oceans and the atmosphere. As human beings we can understand each other. So we should give them our surplus and get their surplus, teach and learn each other. We don't have to be ashamed or arrogant. We should cooperate with them and pray for them each other, associate with them by following Heaven's reason and humanity, yield to even black slaves if they have reasonable grounds, and not yield to even English or American battle ships if they are against humanity. If they dishonored our country, all Japanese people should stand up for national prestige at the risk of our lives. This is the national freedom and independence.

Chinese people are arrogant as if there were no other countries. They call foreign people “barbarians” and look down them as if they were not human being. They don't understand their national strength and are trying to get rid of foreign people. But they are suffered from foreign people by contraries. They don't know their place. In other words for individuals, they misunderstand their freedom and have been selfish.

After the Meiji Restoration, Japanese politics has extremely changed. The government has relations with other countries with international law, and governs the country with the policy of freedom and independence. The government has already allowed the commoners to have a family name and ride a horse. This is a brilliant achievement since the beginning of this country. It helps us to unite the four categories of the people, warriors, farmers, artisans and tradesmen.

From now on, all Japanese people are equal and you can achieve status with your ability, virtue and business. For example, it's natural that you should not make light of government officials. This is not because they are noble, but because they have gained their position with their abilities and virtue, and manage the national law for the people. We should respect them not for themselves, but for the national law.

In the Edo period, when the procession transporting tea for the Shogun went along the Tokaido, neighborhood residents shut themselves up in their home with fear. Shogun's hawk was nobler than people and travelers had to give way to Shogunate's horses. People were afraid of even stones and tiles if those were used for Shogunate. People had thought that these were a nuisance from old times, but on the other hand, they had got used to them. These ugly custom had been made by both high and low class people. They did not respect either Shogunate's law or those goods. It was just because Shogunate was arrogant, threaten its people and restricted their freedom. It was a cowardly way and meaningless bravado.

But nowadays, these shameful custom must no longer exist in Japan. So people should trust the government. If you are displeased with the government, you should not hide your grievance and should not have a grudge against it. You should appeal peacefully and argue the right and wrong of the matter. If your claim meets Heaven's reason and humanity, you should assert it at the risk of your life. These are obligations as the people of a nation.

As I said before, a man and a nation are free. If there are countries that violate national independence, you don't have to be afraid of even all countries around the world. If someone violates your freedom, you don't have to be afraid of even governmental officers. Four categories of the people are equal now, so you don't have to be worried and you can do as you wish, as long as you follow Heaven's reason. But everyone has their position and must have proper ability and virtue for each position. If you want to improve your ability and virtue, you have to know the reasons of things. If you want to know the reasons of things, you have to learn. This is the reason that learning is urgently required now.

Recently, positions of the people of three categories, farmers, artisans and tradesmen, have been raised hundred times, and some of them rival warrior class now. If you have enough ability and virtue, you can become a governmental officer. So you have to consider the position, know your responsibilities and must not perform evil deeds.

Ignorant people are the most pitiful and nuisance in the world. They have no shame because they have no wisdom. They become poor by their ignorance. When they suffer extreme poverty, they blame the rich instead of themselves. Some of them riot and plunder in a group. This is a shameless act against law. Although they live peacefully under the protection of the law, when it becomes inconvenient, they violate the law for self-interest. This is inconsistent, isn't it?

Even rich people from a good family only know saving money and don't know educating their children. There is no wonder those uneducated children become foolish. In due course, a lot of them indulge in dissipation and become bankrupt.

To rule the ignorant people, you cannot lead them by reason, you have to threaten them by force. The Western proverb says, "There is a severe government over ignorant people." This is not because the government is severe, but because those ignorant people cause the disaster. If there is a severe government over ignorant people, there is a good government over good people. In Japan now, there is this government because there are these people.

If the people's morals degenerated and they became more ignorant, the government would be more severe. On the contrary, if the people learned eagerly and they knew the reasons of things and got sophisticated, the government would be more tolerant. Whether laws are severe or tolerant, depends on whether the people have morals or not. There are no people who like severe laws and dislike good government. There are no people who don't hope that their country become rich and strong. There are no people who willingly accept an insult from foreign countries. These are natural feelings for people.

If you aspire to serve the country now, you don't have to be anguished or worried. The important things are, to behave righteously with humanity, to learn eagerly, to have broad knowledge and to acquire wisdom and virtue according to each position. If so, the government would govern the country easily, the people would live peacefully, and they would fulfill their obligations to each other and keep the national peace together. This is the ultimate purpose of learning, that I am encouraging now.

When we established a school in our hometown Nakatsu, we wrote the purpose of learning for our old friends. Someone read it and proposed, "You should publish this booklet not only to the people of Nakatsu, but also to the Japanese public. If so, it will benefit more people." Thus we printed this book with a letterpress printing machine at Keio Gijuku, for the people who have the same ambition with us. December, 1871 Fukuzawa Yukichi Obata Tokujirō

by Part One, English Translation


1.学問のすすめ 現代語訳 

初編 (学問をする理由とその社会的背景)






初編 端書

福沢諭吉・小幡篤次郎 記 (明治五年二月出版)

引用文献引用文献 資料92
(参考文献) (参考文献) (参考文献)



原本 縦18cm 横11.5cm


江守孝三(Emori Kozo)